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  Abstract 0001
  Agostini, Roberto (1996), "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Un' analisi." [Analyzing Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.] In: Rossana Dalmonte (ed.), Analisi e canzoni. Trento: Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Università degli Studi di Trento, 1996, 263-291.
  In this essay Agostini analyzes the Beatles' song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, by using methodological perspectives inspired by Ph. Tagg's semiological, musematic analysis and G. Stefani and L. Marconi's studies on melody and intervals. The essay particularly focuses on the song's introduction and first verse, the former's sound and intervallic structure, and the latter's analytical components: singing, bass, introductory and timbrical-dynamic elements. The lulling singing, with its recitativo gesture, develops on a slow and varied bass riff, an important musematic structure charged with ambivalence and ambiguity, which foregrounds the tension to transformation in the transition to the bridge. The introductory element outlines the peculiar soundscape to Lennon's tale, while the timbrical-dynamic element at mid-verse foretells something new, possibly the human character named Lucy.
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