Chapter 13: Inheritance

When programming in C, programming problems are commonly approached using a top-down structured approach: functions and actions of the program are defined in terms of sub-functions, which again are defined in sub-sub-functions, etc.. This yields a hierarchy of code: main at the top, followed by a level of functions which are called from main, etc..

In C++ the relationship between code and data is also frequently defined in terms of dependencies among classes. This looks like composition (see section 7.3), where objects of a class contain objects of another class as their data. But the relation described here is of a different kind: a class can be defined in terms of an older, pre-existing, class. This produces a new class having all the functionality of the older class, and additionally defining its own specific functionality. Instead of composition, where a given class contains another class, we here refer to derivation, where a given class is or is-implemented-in-terms-of another class.

Another term for derivation is inheritance: the new class inherits the functionality of an existing class, while the existing class does not appear as a data member in the interface of the new class. When discussing inheritance the existing class is called the base class, while the new class is called the derived class.

Derivation of classes is often used when the methodology of C++ program development is fully exploited. In this chapter we first address the syntactic possibilities offered by C++ for deriving classes. Following this we address some of the specific possibilities offered by class derivation (inheritance).

As we have seen in the introductory chapter (see section 2.4), in the object-oriented approach to problem solving classes are identified during the problem analysis. Under this approach objects of the defined classes represent entities that can be observed in the problem at hand. The classes are placed in a hierarchy, with the top-level class containing limited functionality. Each new derivation (and hence descent in the class hierarchy) adds new functionality compared to yet existing classes.

In this chapter we shall use a simple vehicle classification system to build a hierarchy of classes. The first class is Vehicle, which implements as its functionality the possibility to set or retrieve the mass of a vehicle. The next level in the object hierarchy are land-, water- and air vehicles.

The initial object hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Initial object hierarchy of vehicles.

This chapter mainly focuses on the technicalities of class derivation. The distinction between inheritance used to create derived classes whose objects should be considered objects of the base class and inheritance used to implement derived classes in-terms-of their base classes is postponed until the next chapter (14).

Inheritance (and polymorphism, cf. chapter 14) can be used with classes and structs. It is not defined for unions.

13.1: Related types

The relationship between the proposed classes representing different kinds of vehicles is further investigated here. The figure shows the object hierarchy: a Car is a special case of a Land vehicle, which in turn is a special case of a Vehicle.

The class Vehicle represents the `greatest common divisor' in the classification system. Vehicle is given limited functionality: it can store and retrieve a vehicle's mass:

    class Vehicle
        size_t d_mass;

            Vehicle(size_t mass);

            size_t mass() const;
            void setMass(size_t mass);

Using this class, the vehicle's mass can be defined as soon as the corresponding object has been created. At a later stage the mass can be changed or retrieved.

To represent vehicles traveling over land, a new class Land can be defined offering Vehicle's functionality and adding its own specific functionality. Assume we are interested in the speed of land vehicles and in their mass. The relationship between Vehicles and Lands could of course be represented by composition but that would be awkward: composition suggests that a Land vehicle is-implemented-in-terms-of, i.e., contains, a Vehicle, while the natural relationship clearly is that the Land vehicle is a kind of Vehicle.

A relationship in terms of composition would also somewhat complicate our Land class's design. Consider the following example showing a class Land using composition (only the setMass functionality is shown):

    class Land
        Vehicle d_v;        // composed Vehicle
            void setMass(size_t mass);

    void Land::setMass(size_t mass)

Using composition, the Land::setMass function only passes its argument on to Vehicle::setMass. Thus, as far as mass handling is concerned, Land::setMass introduces no extra functionality, just extra code. Clearly this code duplication is superfluous: a Land object is a Vehicle; to state that a Land object contains a Vehicle is at least somewhat peculiar.

The intended relationship is represented better by inheritance. A rule of thumb for choosing between inheritance and composition distinguishes between is-a and has-a relationships. A truck is a vehicle, so Truck should probably derive from Vehicle. On the other hand, a truck has an engine; if you need to model engines in your system, you should probably express this by composing an Engine class inside the Truck class.

Following the above rule of thumb, Land is derived from the base class Vehicle:

    class Land: public Vehicle
        size_t d_speed;
            Land(size_t mass, size_t speed);

            void setSpeed(size_t speed);
            size_t speed() const;

To derive a class (e.g., Land) from another class (e.g., Vehicle) postfix the class name Land in its interface by : public Vehicle:

    class Land: public Vehicle

The class Land now contains all the functionality of its base class Vehicle as well as its own features. Here those features are a constructor expecting two arguments and member functions to access the d_speed data member. Here is an example showing the possibilities of the derived class Land:

    Land veh{ 1200, 145 };

    int main()
        cout << "Vehicle weighs " << veh.mass() << ";\n"
                "its speed is " << veh.speed() << '\n';

This example illustrates two features of derivation.

Encapsulation is a core principle of good class design. Encapsulation reduces the dependencies among classes improving the maintainability and testability of classes and allowing us to modify classes without the need to modify depending code. By strictly complying with the principle of data hiding a class's internal data organization may change without requiring depending code to be changed as well. E.g., a class Lines originally storing C-strings could at some point have its data organization changed. It could abandon its char ** storage in favor of a vector<string> based storage. When Lines uses perfect data hiding depending source code may use the new Lines class without requiring any modification at all.

As a rule of thumb, derived classes must be fully recompiled (but don't have to be modified) when the data organization (i.e., the data members) of their base classes change. Adding new member functions to the base class doesn't alter the data organization so no recompilation is needed when new member functions are added.

There is one subtle exception to this rule of thumb: if a new member function is added to a base class and that function happens to be declared as the first virtual member function of the base class (cf. chapter 14 for a discussion of the virtual member function concept) then that also changes the data organization of the base class.

Now that Land has been derived from Vehicle we're ready for our next class derivation. We'll define a class Car to represent automobiles. Agreeing that a Car object is a Land vehicle, and that a Car has a brand name it's easy to design the class Car:

    class Car: public Land
        std::string d_brandName;

            Car(size_t mass, size_t speed, std::string const &name);

            std::string const &brandName() const;

In the above class definition, Car was derived from Land, which in turn is derived from Vehicle. This is called nested derivation: Land is called Car's direct base class, while Vehicle is called Car's indirect base class.

13.1.1: Inheritance depth: desirable?

Now that Car has been derived from Land and Land has been derived from Vehicle we might easily be seduced into thinking that these class hierarchies are the way to go when designing classes. But maybe we should temper our enthusiasm.

Repeatedly deriving classes from classes quickly results in big, complex class hierarchies that are hard to understand, hard to use and hard to maintain. Hard to understand and use as users of our derived class now also have to learn all its (indirect) base class features as well. Hard to maintain because all those classes are very closely coupled. While it may be true that when data hiding is meticulously adhered to derived classes do not have to be modified when their base classes alter their data organization, it also quickly becomes practically infeasible to change those base classes once more and more (derived) classes depend on their current organization.

What initially looks like a big gain, inheriting the base class's interface, thus becomes a liability. The base class's interface is hardly ever completely required and in the end a class may benefit from explicitly defining its own member functions rather than obtaining them through inheritance.

Often classes can be defined in-terms-of existing classes: some of their features are used, but others need to be shielded off. Consider the stack container: it is commonly implemented in-terms-of a deque, returning deque::back's value as stack::top's value.

When using inheritance to implement an is-a relationship make sure to get the `direction of use' right: inheritance aiming at implementing an is-a relationship should focus on the base class: the base class facilities aren't there to be used by the derived class, but the derived class facilities should redefine (reimplement) the base class facilities using polymorphism (which is the topic of the next chapter), allowing code to use the derived class facilities polymorphically through the base class. We've seen this approach when studying streams: the base class (e.g., ostream) is used time and again. The facilities defined by classes derived from ostream (like ofstream and ostringstream) are then used by code only relying on the facilities offered by the ostream class, never using the derived classes directly.

When designing classes always aim at the lowest possible coupling. Big class hierarchies usually indicate poor understanding of robust class design. When a class's interface is only partially used and if the derived class is implemented in terms of another class consider using composition rather than inheritance and define the appropriate interface members in terms of the members offered by the composed objects.

13.2: Access rights: public, private, protected

Early in the C++ Annotations (cf. section 3.2.1) we encountered two important design principles when developing classes: data hiding and encapsulation. Data hiding restricts control over an object's data to the members of its class, encapsulation is used to restrict access to the functionality of objects. Both principles are invaluable tools for maintaining data integrity.

The keyword private starts sections in class interfaces in which members are declared which can only be accessed by members of the class itself. This is our main tool for realizing data hiding. According to established good practices of class design the public sections are populated with member functions offering a clean interface to the class's functionality. These members allow users to communicate with objects; leaving it to the objects how requests sent to objects are handled. In a well-designed class its objects are in full control of their data.

Inheritance doesn't change these principles, nor does it change the way the `private' and `protected' keywords operate. A derived class does not have access to a base class's private section.

Sometimes this is a bit too restrictive. Consider a class implementing a random number generating streambuf (cf. chapter 6). Such a streambuf can be used to construct an istream irand, after which extractions from irand produces series of random numbers, like in the next example in which 10 random numbers are generated using stream I/O:

    RandBuf buffer;
    istream irand(&buffer);

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx != 10; ++idx)
        size_t next;
        irand >> next;
        cout << "next random number: " << next << '\n';

The question is, how many random numbers should irand be able to generate? Fortunately, there's no need to answer this question, as RandBuf can be made responsible for generating the next random number. RandBuf, therefore, operates as follows:

(this process is repeated for subsequent random numbers).

Once RandBuf has stored the text representation of the next random number in some buffer, it must tell its base class (streambuf) where to find the random number's characters. For this streambuf offers a member setg, expecting the location and size of the buffer holding the random number's characters.

The member setg clearly cannot be declared in streambuf's private section, as RandBuf must use it to prepare for the extraction of the next random number. But it should also not be in streambuf's public section, as that could easily result in unexpected behavior by irand. Consider the following hypothetical example:

    RandBuf randBuf;
    istream irand(&randBuf);

    char buffer[] = "12";
    randBuf.setg(buffer, ...);  // setg public: buffer now contains 12

    size_t next;
    irand >> next;              // not a *random* value, but 12.

Clearly there is a close connection between streambuf and its derived class RandBuf. By allowing RandBuf to specify the buffer from which streambuf reads characters RandBuf remains in control, denying other parts of the program to break its well-defined behavior.

This close connection between base- and derived-classes is realized by a third keyword related to the accessibility of class members: protected. Here is how the member setg could have been be declared in a class streambuf:

    class streambuf
        // private data here (as usual)
            void setg(... parameters ...);  // available to derived classes

            // public members here

Protected members are members that can be accessed by derived classes, but are not part of a class's public interface.

Avoid the temptation to declare data members in a class's protected section: it's a sure sign of bad class design as it needlessly results in tight coupling of base and derived classes. The principle of data hiding should not be abandoned now that the keyword protected has been introduced. If a derived class (but not other parts of the software) should be given access to its base class's data, use member functions: accessors and modifiers declared in the base class's protected section. This enforces the intended restricted access without resulting in tightly coupled classes.

13.2.1: Public, protected and private derivation

With inheritance public derivation is frequently used. When public derivation is used the access rights of the base class's interface remains unaltered in the derived class. But the type of inheritance may also be defined as private or protected.

Protected derivation is used when the keyword protected is put in front of the derived class's base class:

    class Derived: protected Base

When protected derivation is used all the base class's public and protected members become protected members in the derived class. The derived class may access all the base class's public and protected members. Classes that are in turn derived from the derived class view the base class's members as protected. Any other code (outside of the inheritance tree) is unable to access the base class's members.

Private derivation is used when the keyword private is put in front of the derived class's base class:

    class Derived: private Base

When private derivation is used all the base class's members turn into private members in the derived class. The derived class members may access all base class public and protected members but base class members cannot be used elsewhere.

Public derivation should be used to define an is-a relationship between a derived class and a base class: the derived class object is-a base class object allowing the derived class object to be used polymorphically as a base class object in code expecting a base class object. Private inheritance is used in situations where a derived class object is defined in-terms-of the base class where composition cannot be used. There's little documented use for protected inheritance, but one could maybe encounter protected inheritance when defining a base class that is itself a derived class making its base class members available to classes derived from it.

Combinations of inheritance types do occur. For example, when designing a stream-class it is usually derived from std::istream or std::ostream. However, before a stream can be constructed, a std::streambuf must be available. Taking advantage of the fact that the inheritance order is defined in the class interface, we use multiple inheritance (see section 13.6) to derive the class from both std::streambuf and (then) from std::ostream. To the class's users it is a std::ostream and not a std::streambuf. So private derivation is used for the latter, and public derivation for the former class:

    class Derived: private std::streambuf, public std::ostream

13.2.2: Promoting access rights

When private or protected derivation is used, users of derived class objects are denied access to the base class members. Private derivation denies access to all base class members to users of the derived class, protected derivation does the same, but allows classes that are in turn derived from the derived class to access the base class's public and protected members.

In some situations this scheme is too restrictive. Consider a class RandStream derived privately from a class RandBuf which is itself derived from std::streambuf and also publicly from istream:

    class RandBuf: public std::streambuf
        // implements a buffer for random numbers
    class RandStream: private RandBuf, public std::istream
        // implements a stream to extract random values from

Such a class could be used to extract, e.g., random numbers using the standard istream interface.

Although the RandStream class is constructed with the functionality of istream objects in mind, some of the members of the class std::streambuf may be considered useful by themselves. E.g., the function streambuf::in_avail returns a lower bound to the number of characters that can be read immediately. The standard way to make this function available is to define a shadow member calling the base class's member:

    class RandStream: private RandBuf, public std::istream
        // implements a stream to extract random values from
            std::streamsize in_avail();
    inline std::streamsize RandStream::in_avail()
        return std::streambuf::in_avail();

This looks like a lot of work for just making available a member from the protected or private base classes. If the intent is to make available the in_avail member access promotion can be used. Access promotion allows us to specify which members of private (or protected) base classes become available in the protected (or public) interface of the derived class. Here is the above example, now using access promotion:

    class RandStream: private RandBuf, public std::istream
        // implements a stream to extract random values from
            using std::streambuf::in_avail;

It should be noted that access promotion makes available all overloaded versions of the declared base class member. So, if streambuf would offer not only in_avail but also, e.g., in_avail(size_t *) both members would become part of the public interface.

13.3: The constructor of a derived class

A derived class inherits functionality from its base class (or base classes, as C++ supports multiple inheritance, cf. section 13.6). When a derived class object is constructed it is built on top of its base class object. As a consequence the base class must have been constructed before the actual derived class elements can be initialized. This results in some requirements that must be observed when defining derived class constructors.

A constructor exists to initialize the object's data members. A derived class constructor is also responsible for the proper initialization of its base class. Looking at the definition of the class Land introduced earlier (section 13.1), its constructor could simply be defined as follows:

    Land::Land(size_t mass, size_t speed)

However, this implementation has several disadvantages.

A derived class's base class may be initialized using a dedicated base class constructor by calling the base class constructor in the derived class constructor's initializer clause. Calling a base class constructor in a constructor's initializer clause is called a base class initializer. The base class initializer must be called before initializing any of the derived class's data members and when using the base class initializer none of the derived class data members may be used. When constructing a derived class object the base class is constructed first and only after that construction has successfully completed the derived class data members are available for initialization. Land's constructor may therefore be improved:
    Land::Land(size_t mass, size_t speed)

Derived class constructors always by default call their base class's default constructor. This is of course not correct for a derived class's copy constructor. Assuming that the class Land must be provided with a copy constructor its Land const &other parameter also represents the other object's base class:

    Land::Land(Land const &other)   // assume a copy constructor is needed
        Vehicle(other),             // copy-construct the base class part.
        d_speed(other.d_speed)      // copy-construct Land's data members

13.3.1: Move construction

As with classes using composition derived classes may benefit from defining a move constructor. A derived class may offer a move constructor for two reasons:

The design of move constructors moving data members was covered in section 9.7. A move constructor for a derived class whose base class is move-aware must anonymize the rvalue reference before passing it to the base class move constructor. The std::move function should be used when implementing the move constructor to move the information in base classes or composed objects to their new destination object.

The first example shows the move constructor for the class Car, assuming it has a movable char *d_brandName data member and assuming that Land is a move-aware class. The second example shows the move constructor for the class Land, assuming that it does not itself have movable data members, but that its Vehicle base class is move-aware:

    Car::Car(Car &&tmp)
        Land(std::move(tmp)),           // anonymize `tmp'
        d_brandName(tmp.d_brandName)    // move the char *'s value
        tmp.d_brandName = 0;

    Land(Land &&tmp)
        Vehicle(std::move(tmp)),    // move-aware Vehicle
        d_speed(tmp.d_speed)        // plain copying of plain data

13.3.2: Move assignment

Derived classes may also benefit from move assignment operations. If the derived class and its base class support swapping then the implementation is simple, following the standard shown earlier in section 9.7.3. For the class Car this could boil down to:
    Car &Car::operator=(Car &&tmp)
        return *this;

If swapping is not supported then std::move can be used to call the base class's move assignment operator:

    Car &Car::operator=(Car &&tmp)
        static_cast<Land &>(*this) = std::move(tmp);
        // move Car's own data members next
        return *this;

13.3.3: Inheriting constructors

Derived classes can be constructed without explicitly defining derived class constructors. In those cases the available base class constructors are called.

This feature is either used or not. It is not possible to omit some of the derived class constructors, using the corresponding base class constructors instead. To use this feature for classes that are derived from multiple base classes (cf. section 13.6) all the base class constructors must have different signatures. Considering the complexities that are involved here it's probably best to avoid using base class constructors for classes using multiple inheritance.

The construction of derived class objects can be delegated to base class constructor(s) using the following syntax:

    class BaseClass
            // BaseClass constructor(s)

    class DerivedClass: public BaseClass
            using BaseClass::BaseClass; // No DerivedClass constructors
                                        // are defined

13.3.4: Aggregate Initializations

Aggregates (e.g., structs) can be initialized using the familiar curly brace notation. Curly brace notations can also be used when initializing base-structs of derived-structs. Each base-level struct receives its own set of curly braces while initializing the derived-level struct. Here is an example:
    struct Base
        int value;
    struct Derived: public Base
        string text;

    // Initializiation of a Derived object:
    Derived der{{value}, "hello world"};
    //          -------
    //          initialization of Derived's base struct.

13.4: The destructor of a derived class

Destructors of classes are automatically called when an object is destroyed. This also holds true for objects of classes derived from other classes. Assume we have the following situation:
    class Base

    class Derived: public Base

    int main()
        Derived derived;

At the end of main, the derived object ceases to exists. Hence, its destructor (~Derived) is called. However, since derived is also a Base object, the ~Base destructor is called as well. The base class destructor is never explicitly called from the derived class destructor.

Constructors and destructors are called in a stack-like fashion: when derived is constructed, the appropriate base class constructor is called first, then the appropriate derived class constructor is called. When the object derived is destroyed, its destructor is called first, automatically followed by the activation of the Base class destructor. A derived class destructor is always called before its base class destructor is called.

When the construction of a derived class object did not successfully complete (i.e., the constructor threw an exception) then its destructor is not called. However, the destructors of properly constructed base classes will be called if a derived class constructor throws an exception. This, of course, is how it should be: a properly constructed object should also be destroyed, eventually. Example:

    #include <iostream>
    struct Base
            std::cout << "Base destructor\n";
    struct Derived: public Base
            throw 1;    // at this time Base has been constructed
    int main()
            Derived d;
        This program displays `Base destructor'

13.5: Redefining member functions

Derived classes may redefine base class members. Let's assume that a vehicle classification system must also cover trucks, consisting of two parts: the front part, the tractor, pulls the rear part, the trailer. Both the tractor and the trailer have their own mass, and the mass function should return the combined mass.

The definition of a Truck starts with a class definition. Our initial Truck class is derived from Car but it is then expanded to hold one more size_t field representing the additional mass information. Here we choose to represent the mass of the tractor in the Car class and to store the mass of a full truck (tractor + trailer) in its own d_mass data member:

    class Truck: public Car
        size_t d_mass;

            Truck(size_t tractor_mass, size_t speed, char const *name,
                  size_t trailer_mass);

            void setMass(size_t tractor_mass, size_t trailer_mass);
            size_t mass() const;

    Truck::Truck(size_t tractor_mass, size_t speed, char const *name,
                 size_t trailer_mass)
        Car(tractor_mass, speed, name),
        d_mass(tractor_mass + trailer_mass)

Note that the class Truck now contains two functions already present in the base class Car: setMass and mass.

    int main()
        Land vehicle{ 1200, 145 };
        Truck lorry{ 3000, 120, "Juggernaut", 2500 };
        cout << '\n' << "Tractor weighs " <<
                        lorry.Vehicle::mass() << '\n' <<
            "Truck + trailer weighs " << lorry.mass() << '\n' <<
            "Speed is " << lorry.speed() << '\n' <<
            "Name is " << << '\n';

The class Truck was derived from Car. However, one might question this class design. Since a truck is conceived of as a combination of a tractor and a trailer it is probably better defined using a mixed design, using inheritance for the tractor part (inheriting from Car, and composition for the trailer part).

This redesign changes our point of view from a Truck being a Car (and some strangely added data members) to a Truck still being an Car (the tractor) and containing a Vehicle (the trailer).

Truck's interface is now very specific, not requiring users to study Car's and Vehicle's interfaces and it opens up possibilities for defining `road trains': tractors towing multiple trailers. Here is an example of such an alternate class setup:

    class Truck: public Car    // the tractor
        Vehicle d_trailer;      // use vector<Vehicle> for road trains

            Truck(size_t tractor_mass, size_t speed, char const *name,
                  size_t trailer_mass);

            void setMass(size_t tractor_mass, size_t trailer_mass);
            void setTractorMass(size_t tractor_mass);
            void setTrailerMass(size_t trailer_mass);

            size_t tractorMass() const;
            size_t trailerMass() const;
        // consider:
            Vehicle const &trailer() const;

13.6: Multiple inheritance

Except for the class Randbuf classes thus far have always been derived from a single base class. In addition to single inheritance C++ also supports multiple inheritance. In multiple inheritance a class is derived from several base classes and hence inherits functionality from multiple parent classes at the same time.

When using multiple inheritance it should be defensible to consider the newly derived class an instantiation of both base classes. Otherwise, composition is more appropriate. In general, linear derivation (using only one base class) is used much more frequently than multiple derivation. Good class design dictates that a class should have a single, well described responsibility and that principle often conflicts with multiple inheritance where we can state that objects of class Derived are both Base1 and Base2 objects.

But then, consider the prototype of an object for which multiple inheritance was used to its extreme: the Swiss army knife! This object is a knife, it is a pair of scissors, it is a can-opener, it is a corkscrew, it is ....

The `Swiss army knife' is an extreme example of multiple inheritance. In C++ there are various good arguments for using multiple inheritance as well, without violating the `one class, one responsibility' principle. We postpone those arguments until the next chapter. The current section concentrates on the technical details of constructing classes using multiple inheritance.

How to construct a `Swiss army knife' in C++? First we need (at least) two base classes. For example, let's assume we are designing a toolkit allowing us to construct an instrument panel of an aircraft's cockpit. We design all kinds of instruments, like an artificial horizon and an altimeter. One of the components that is often seen in aircraft is a nav-com set: a combination of a navigational beacon receiver (the `nav' part) and a radio communication unit (the `com'-part). To define the nav-com set, we start by designing the NavSet class (assume the existence of the classes Intercom, VHF_Dial and Message):

    class NavSet
            NavSet(Intercom &intercom, VHF_Dial &dial);

            size_t activeFrequency() const;
            size_t standByFrequency() const;

            void setStandByFrequency(size_t freq);
            size_t toggleActiveStandby();
            void setVolume(size_t level);
            void identEmphasis(bool on_off);

Next we design the class ComSet:

    class ComSet
            ComSet(Intercom &intercom);

            size_t frequency() const;
            size_t passiveFrequency() const;

            void setPassiveFrequency(size_t freq);
            size_t toggleFrequencies();

            void setAudioLevel(size_t level);
            void powerOn(bool on_off);
            void testState(bool on_off);
            void transmit(Message &message);

Using objects of this class we can receive messages, transmitted though the Intercom, but we can also transmit messages using a Message object that's passed to the ComSet object using its transmit member function.

Now we're ready to construct our NavCom set:

    class NavComSet: public ComSet, public NavSet
            NavComSet(Intercom &intercom, VHF_Dial &dial);

Done. Now we have defined a NavComSet which is both a NavSet and a ComSet: the facilities of both base classes are now available in the derived class using multiple inheritance.

Please note the following:

Of course, while defining the base classes, we made life easy on ourselves by strictly using different member function names. So, there is a function setVolume in the NavSet class and a function setAudioLevel in the ComSet class. A bit cheating, since we could expect that both units in fact have a composed object Amplifier, handling the volume setting. A revised class might offer an Amplifier &amplifier() const member function, and leave it to the application to set up its own interface to the amplifier. Alternatively, a revised class could define members for setting the volume of either the NavSet or the ComSet parts.

In situations where two base classes offer identically named members special provisions need to be made to prevent ambiguity:

13.7: Conversions between base classes and derived classes

When public inheritance is used to define classes, an object of a derived class is at the same time an object of the base class. This has important consequences for object assignment and for the situation where pointers or references to such objects are used. Both situations are now discussed.

13.7.1: Conversions with object assignments

Continuing our discussion of the NavCom class, introduced in section 13.6, we now define two objects, a base class and a derived class object:
    ComSet com(intercom);
    NavComSet navcom(intercom2, dial2);

The object navcom is constructed using an Intercom and a VHF_Dial object. However, a NavComSet is at the same time a ComSet, allowing the assignment from navcom (a derived class object) to com (a base class object):

    com = navcom;

The effect of this assignment is that the object com now communicates with intercom2. As a ComSet does not have a VHF_Dial, the navcom's dial is ignored by the assignment. When assigning a base class object from a derived class object only the base class data members are assigned, other data members are dropped, a phenomenon called slicing. In situations like these slicing probably does not have serious consequences, but when passing derived class objects to functions defining base class parameters or when returning derived class objects from functions returning base class objects slicing also occurs and might have unwelcome side-effects.

The assignment from a base class object to a derived class object is problematic. In a statement like

    navcom = com;

it isn't clear how to reassign the NavComSet's VHF_Dial data member as they are missing in the ComSet object com. Such an assignment is therefore refused by the compiler. Although derived class objects are also base class objects, the reverse does not hold true: a base class object is not also a derived class object.

The following general rule applies: in assignments in which base class objects and derived class objects are involved, assignments in which data are dropped are legal (called slicing). Assignments in which data remain unspecified are not allowed. Of course, it is possible to overload an assignment operator to allow the assignment of a derived class object from a base class object. To compile the statement

    navcom = com;

the class NavComSet must have defined an overloaded assignment operator accepting a ComSet object for its argument. In that case it's up to the programmer to decide what the assignment operator will do with the missing data.

13.7.2: Conversions with pointer assignments

We return to our Vehicle classes, and define the following objects and pointer variable:
    Land land(1200, 130);
    Car car(500, 75, "Daf");
    Truck truck(2600, 120, "Mercedes", 6000);
    Vehicle *vp;

Now we can assign the addresses of the three objects of the derived classes to the Vehicle pointer:

    vp = &land;
    vp = &car;
    vp = &truck;

Each of these assignments is acceptable. However, an implicit conversion of the derived class to the base class Vehicle is used, since vp is defined as a pointer to a Vehicle. Hence, when using vp only the member functions manipulating mass can be called as this is the Vehicle's only functionality. As far as the compiler can tell this is the object vp points to.

The same holds true for references to Vehicles. If, e.g., a function is defined having a Vehicle reference parameter, the function may be passed an object of a class derived from Vehicle. Inside the function, the specific Vehicle members remain accessible. This analogy between pointers and references holds true in general. Remember that a reference is nothing but a pointer in disguise: it mimics a plain variable, but actually it is a pointer.

This restricted functionality has an important consequence for the class Truck. Following vp = &truck, vp points to a Truck object. So, vp->mass() returns 2600 instead of 8600 (the combined mass of the cabin and of the trailer: 2600 + 6000), which would have been returned by truck.mass().

When a function is called using a pointer to an object, then the type of the pointer (and not the type of the object) determines which member functions are available and can be executed. In other words, C++ implicitly converts the type of an object reached through a pointer to the pointer's type.

If the actual type of the object pointed to by a pointer is known, an explicit type cast can be used to access the full set of member functions that are available for the object:

    Truck truck;
    Vehicle *vp;

    vp = &truck;        // vp now points to a truck object

    Truck *trp;

    trp = static_cast<Truck *>(vp);
    cout << "Make: " << trp->name() << '\n';

Here, the second to last statement specifically casts a Vehicle * variable to a Truck *. As usual (when using casts), this code is not without risk. It only works if vp really points to a Truck. Otherwise the program may produce unexpected results.

13.8: Using non-default constructors with new[]

An often heard complaint is that operator new[] calls the default constructor of a class to initialize the allocated objects. For example, to allocate an array of 10 strings we can do
    new string[10];

but it is not possible to use another constructor. Assuming that we'd want to initialize the strings with the text hello world, we can't write something like:

    new string{ "hello world" }[10];

The initialization of a dynamically allocated object usually consists of a two-step process: first the array is allocated (implicitly calling the default constructor); second the array's elements are initialized, as in the following little example:

    string *sp = new string[10];
    fill(sp, sp + 10, string{ "hello world" });

These approaches all suffer from `double initializations', comparable to not using member initializers in constructors.

One way to avoid double initialization is to use inheritance. Inheritance can profitably be used to call non-default constructors in combination with operator new[]. The approach capitalizes on the following:

The above also suggests a possible approach:

Here is a simple example, producing 10 lines containing the text hello world:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

struct Xstr: public string
        string("hello world")

int main()
    string *sp = new Xstr[10];
    copy(sp, sp + 10, ostream_iterator<string>{ cout, "\n" });
Of course, the above example is fairly unsophisticated, but it's easy to polish the example: the class Xstr can be defined in an anonymous namespace, accessible only to a function getString() which may be given a size_t nObjects parameter, allowing users to specify the number of hello world-initialized strings they would like to allocate.

Instead of hard-coding the base class arguments it's also possible to use variables or functions providing the appropriate values for the base class constructor's arguments. In the next example a local class Xstr is defined inside a function nStrings(size_t nObjects, char const *fname), expecting the number of string objects to allocate and the name of a file whose subsequent lines are used to initialize the objects. The local class is invisible outside of the function nStrings, so no special namespace safeguards are required.

As discussed in section 7.9, members of local classes cannot access local variables from their surrounding function. However, they can access global and static data defined by the surrounding function.

Using a local class neatly allows us to hide the implementation details within the function nStrings, which simply opens the file, allocates the objects, and closes the file again. Since the local class is derived from string, it can use any string constructor for its base class initializer. In this particular case it doesn't even do that, as copy elision ensures that Xstr's base class string in fact is the string returned by nextLine. That latter function's string subsequently receives the lines of the just opened stream. As nextLine is a static member function, it's available to Xstr default constructor's member initializers even though at that time the Xstr object isn't available yet.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

string *nStrings(size_t size, char const *fname)
    static thread_local ifstream in;

    struct Xstr: public string
        static string nextLine()
            string line;

            getline(in, line);
            return line;        // copy elision turns this
        }                       // into Xstr's base class string
    string *sp = new Xstr[size];

    return sp;

int main()
    string *sp = nStrings(10, "");
    copy(sp, sp + 10, ostream_iterator<string>{ cout, "\n" });
When this program is run, it displays the first 10 lines of the file

Note that the example defines a static thread_local ifstream object. Thread_local variables are formally introduced in chapter 20. The thread_local specification assures that the function can safely be used, even in multithreaded programs.

A completely different way to avoid the double initialization (not using inheritance) is to use placement new (cf. section 9.1.5): simply allocate the required amount of memory followed by the proper in-place allocation of the objects, using the appropriate constructors. In the next example a pair of static construct/destroy members are used to perform the required initialization. In the example construct expects an istream that provides the initialization strings for objects of a class String simply containing a std::string object. Construct first allocates enough memory for the n String objects plus room for an initial size_t value. This initial size_t value is then initialized with n. Next, in a for statement, lines are read from the provided stream and the lines are passed to the constructors, using placement new calls. Finally the address of the first String object is returned. Then, the destruction of the objects is handled by the member destroy. It retrieves the number of objects to destroy from the size_t it finds just before the location of the address of the first object to destroy. The objects are then destroyed by explicitly calling their destructors. Finally the raw memory, originally allocated by construct is returned.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class String
    union Ptrs
        void *vp;
        String *sp;
        size_t *np;

    std::string d_str;

        String(std::string const &txt)
            cout << "destructor: " << d_str << '\n';
        static String *construct(istream &in, size_t n)
            Ptrs p = {operator new(n * sizeof(String) + sizeof(size_t))};
            * = n;

            string line;
            for (size_t idx = 0; idx != n; ++idx)
                getline(in, line);
                new(p.sp + idx) String{ line };

            return p.sp;
        static void destroy(String *sp)
            Ptrs p = {sp};
            for (size_t n = *; n--; )

            operator delete(p.vp);

int main()
    String *sp = String::construct(cin, 5);


    After providing 5 lines containing, respectively
        alpha, bravo, charley, delta, echo
    the program displays:
                destructor: alpha
                destructor: bravo
                destructor: charley
                destructor: delta
                destructor: echo